Return and Warranty Conditions

How is the Product Refund Made?

You can deliver your refund to Yurtiçi Kargo for free with our agreement code 949072761. A refund of the fee will be made within 3 working days after your refund reaches us and your refund passes the approval of our product control team. you can return the product or products you have purchased through it no later than 14 days from the date of delivery. If the ordered product error was caused by customer usage or if the product was used within 14 days, the product will not be refunded. For product return conditions, the practices in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law No. 4077 are essential.

Warranty Conditions
All products are under our warranty. Be sure to check the product during cargo delivery so that the warranty conditions can be valid. If you experience any damage, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a record. Changes made to the product, deformation of the product or deterioration of the original design of the product are not covered by the warranty.


Law No. 6502 - Date of Acceptance: 7/11/2013


Purpose, Scope and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this Law is to regulate matters related to protecting the consumer's health and safety and economic interests in accordance with the public interest, compensating for damages, ensuring protection from environmental hazards, taking measures to enlighten and raise consumer awareness, encouraging consumers' attempts to protect themselves, and encouraging voluntary organizations in the formation of policies on these issues.


ARTICLE 2 - (1) This Law covers all kinds of consumer transactions and consumer-oriented applications.


ARTICLE 3 - (1) In the implementation of this Law;

a) Minister: The Minister of Customs and Trade,

b) Ministry: The Ministry of Customs and Trade,

c) Director General: General Director of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance,

ç) General Directorate: General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance,

d) Service: The subject of all kinds of consumer transactions other than the provision of goods made or pledged to be made in exchange for a fee or benefit,

e) Importer: A natural or legal person who imports goods or services, including public legal entities, or raw materials or intermediate goods of these goods for commercial or professional purposes, and puts them on the market by sale, lease, financial leasing or similar means. e) Importer: A natural or legal person who imports goods or services, including public legal entities, or raw materials or intermediate goods of these goods for commercial or professional purposes. Dec.,

f) Permanent data storage: Text message, electronic mail, internet, disk, CD, DVD, memory card and any other similar means or media that allows the consumer to save or copy the information sent to him in a way that allows him to review this information for a reasonable period of time in accordance with the purpose and allows this information to be accessed exactly,

g) Housing finance institution: Banks that make direct-to-consumer loans or make financial leases within the scope of housing finance, as well as financial leasing companies and financing companies that are deemed appropriate to engage in housing finance activities by the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Board,

d) Lender: A natural or legal person who is authorized to provide loans to consumers in accordance with the legislation,

h) Goods: Movable goods, immovable goods for residential or holiday purposes that are subject to exchange, as well as software, audio, video and all kinds of similar intangible goods prepared for use in electronic environment,

i) Provider: A natural or legal person who provides services to the consumer for commercial or professional purposes, including public legal entities, or acts on behalf or account of the service provider,

i) Seller: A natural or legal person who offers goods to the consumer for commercial or professional purposes, including public legal entities, or acts on behalf or account of the one who offers the goods,

j) Technical regulation: The definition contained in the Law on the Preparation and Implementation of Technical Legislation on Products dated 29/6/2001 and numbered 4703,

k) Consumer: A natural or legal person acting for commercial or non-professional purposes,

l) Consumer transaction: All kinds of contracts and legal transactions, including work, transportation, brokerage, insurance, proxy, banking and similar contracts, established between natural or legal persons acting for commercial or professional purposes, including public legal entities in the goods or services markets, or acting on their behalf or account, and consumers Dec,

m) Consumer organizations: Associations, foundations or their higher organizations established for the purpose of consumer protection,

n) Manufacturer: A natural or legal person who shows himself as a manufacturer by placing his trademark, title or any distinctive mark on the goods, including public legal entities, those who produce the goods or raw materials or intermediate goods of these goods that have been presented to the consumer, as well as a natural or legal person who shows himself as a manufacturer by placing his trademark, title or any distinctive Decal,



General Principles

Basic principles

ARTICLE 4 - (1) The contracts and information provided for in writing in this Law shall be arranged in a clear, simple and readable manner in at least twelve point size, in an understandable language, and a copy of them shall be provided to the consumer on paper or with a permanent data storage. In case one or more of the conditions that should be present in the contract are not present, the deficiency does not affect the validity of the contract. This deficiency shall be corrected immediately by the organizer of the contract.

(2) The conditions stipulated in the contract cannot be changed to the detriment of the consumer during the contract period.

October Dec. (3) No additional fee may be charged from the consumer for the actions that he expects to be performed rightfully within the scope of the goods or services offered to him and which are among the legal obligations of the contract organizer and the expenses that the contract organizer has made in his own interest. In the products or services offered to the consumer by banks, financial institutions issuing consumer loans and card issuing organizations, all kinds of fees, commissions and types of expenses to be charged from the consumer other than interest, as well as the procedures and principles related to them, are determined by the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authority in accordance with the spirit of this Law and in a way to protect the consumer, taking the opinion of the Ministry.

(4) It is obligatory to provide the consumer with information regarding all kinds of fees and expenses to be requested from the consumer in accordance with the contracts regulated in this Law in written form on paper as an Oct. In the case of contracts established with a remote communication tool, this information is given to the remote communication tool used in accordance with. The proof that this information is given to the consumer belongs to the organizer of the contract.

(5) Due to the transactions made by the consumer, a promissory note may be issued in the nature of a negotiable instrument only in written form and separately for paying each installment. Promissory notes issued in violation of the provisions of this paragraph are invalid from the consumer's point of view.

(6) In consumer transactions, personal guarantees received in response to the consumer's actions are considered ordinary surety, regardless of what name they are under. Personal guarantees given by the counterparty regarding the consumer's receivables are considered as fiduciary guarantees unless there is a provision to the contrary in other laws.

(7) Compound interest is not applied in consumer transactions, including in case of default.

(8) This Law also covers participation banks in terms of all its regulations. The application is made taking into account the profit share.

Unfair conditions in consumer contracts

ARTICLE 5 - (1) Unfair conditions are contract terms that are included in the contract without negotiation with the consumer and cause an imbalance against the consumer in such a way that the contractual rights and obligations of the parties fall in violation of the rule of honesty.

(2) The unfair conditions contained in the contracts concluded with the consumer are absolutely null and void. The provisions of the contract other than unfair terms remain valid. In this case, the organizer of the contract cannot claim that he would not have entered into the contract with the other provisions if there were no conditions that were definitely considered invalid.

(3) If a contract term has been prepared in advance and has not been able to affect the consumer content due to its inclusion in the standard contract, it is considered that this contract term has not been negotiated with the consumer. If the organizer of the contract claims that a standard condition was negotiated individually, he is obliged to prove it. If it is concluded from the evaluation of the contract as a whole that it is a standard contract, the fact that certain elements or an individual provision of a condition in this contract have been negotiated does not prevent the application of this article to the remaining part of the contract.

(4) If the contract terms are in writing, a clear and understandable language that the consumer can understand must be used. If a provision contained in the contract is not clear and understandable or has more than one meaning, this provision is interpreted in favor of the consumer.

(5) The provisions of this article shall also be applied to the contracts prepared by persons or organizations carrying out their activities with the permission granted by the law or the competent authorities, regardless of their qualifications.

(6) The unfairness of a contract term is determined according to the moment of establishment of the contract, taking into account the nature of the goods or services that are the subject of the contract, the conditions that existed at the establishment of the contract and other provisions of the contract or the provisions of another contract related to the unfair term.

(7) In the assessment of the unfairness of the contract terms, provided that these terms are written in a clear and Decipherable language, an assessment cannot be made regarding the balance between both the principal performance obligations arising from the contract and the market value of the goods or services and the price determined in the contract. Deciphering the unfairness of the contract terms, provided that these terms are written in a clear and understandable language.

(8) The Ministry shall take the necessary measures to prevent the removal or use of unfair conditions contained in contracts prepared for general use from the contract texts.

(9) The procedures and principles related to the detection and supervision of unfair conditions and the contract terms, which are accepted as unfair conditions without being restrictive, are determined by a regulation.

Avoiding sales

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